Is BodBot something to replace traditional workouts?
Ancient workouts:
The first evidence we have of people working out is of the Spartans before the Battle of Thermopylae in which a Persian scout interpreted the odd synchronized movements as a form of dance, and thus a sign of weakness. Workouts were vigorous and rest days nonexistent to the point that Plutarch(a Greek historian,biographer, and essayist) says, "... they were the only men in the world with whom war brought a respite in the training for war."
Through the Ages:
Through time the workout has exploded into a must for physical fitness enthusiast everywhere and is usually at the core of fitness as a whole. It's also been applied to sports, military service(as seen first above), fighting, and a range of other fields as a sort of necessity or highly recommended supplement.
Working out and sports is almost impossible to imagine separated but there was a time were athletes avoided strength workouts in fear of slowing themselves down. Obviously this did not last as strength workouts are consistently mixed into athletes workout regimens as a means to actually increase an athletes speed and performance.
Working out glorified to it's highest point, bodybuilding is actually considered a type of sport. Of course this sport is different than any other sports as it presents models instead of the traditional athlete. Almost only focusing on strength, bodybuilding is very unique and actually quiet similar to the sport known as weight lifting which is pretty much bodybuilding but without aerobic exercise, steroids, and all the oil.
Personal fitness:
For the people who aren't athletes workouts usually aren't very vigorous(unless you just like working out that way). Usually people who workout for personal fitness benefits are either trying to lose weight, stay healthy, or get a certain look.
People are trying to get a certain look are usually going for this:
and not like this:
Usually the more vigorous personal fitness workouts are for people trying to get that certain look and usually a little bit of stretching, running, and push ups are all that's needed to stay healthy and with a little bit of diet change lose fat also.
Bodbot addresses all of the workouts listed above. From getting that toned or ripped look, to training for two of the most popular sports in the world(hoping for expansion into other sports), to staying healthy, and even working out to improve mental functioning, Bodbot designs it all for you. You create an account tell yourself a little bit about your limits of strength, specify your goal, and it designs a new workout every week for you.
Through time it has been proven that a person should change their workout every 1 to 4 weeks, especially if you are trying to get that ripped but lean look, so that the body doesn't get use to the workout. It is very tedious to look up a workout every week that is challenging and most people (including me) ignore this advice. With Bodbot there is no need to look up a workout, it consistently changes the workout every week and the best part about it is that it adjust to your body and learns how you should be working out and tracks your progress so that working out will never be as easy as the workout routine was last week.
It also makes working out fun with new exercises you'v probably never even seen, attempted, or just haven't done before.
No need to find new workouts on Men's(or Women's) Health every week or doubt that the workout is actually doing what you want it to do. There's Bodbot:
No need to find new workouts on Men's(or Women's) Health every week or doubt that the workout is actually doing what you want it to do. There's Bodbot:
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