What is an ectomorph? An ectomorph is a person with a light body frame and an extremely fast metabolism. The metabolism burns the fat off of the body very quickly. This is good but the downside to such a rapid metabolism is that the ectomorph also finds it hard to gain muscle mass and can be pinned down as a "hard gainer". You are probably a combination of ectomorph and mesomorph, a mesomorph being a person with an athletic build, but since you are reading this article I assume that you lean more to the ectomorph's side.
There are three body types ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. The ectomorph is the skinny guy. The mesomorph is the athletic guy. The endomorph is the fat guy. That's basically the jest of it.
So if you've see a sort of pattern with the three body types, you can sort of figure out what to do. The ectomorph's need a lot of calories and a lot of strength training to gain any muscle and the endomorph's need alot of cardiovascular training and little caloric intake to gain muscle and keep the fat off, while the mesomorph's of the world can just sit back, relax and follow some generic workout routine on the internet. So.....
What should an ectomorph do to gain muscle?
First of all an ectomorph should be on an extremely high calorie diet with loads of protein. Ectomorph's need to eat, especially before bedtime so that they don't burn up all of the calories and protein used to build muscle. Second, the ectomorph should be on a workout routine that emphasizes short-high intensity workouts, p90x is not for you. Ectomorphs should focus on strength or hypertrophy training with exercises consisting of near max to max weight with little reps 5-7 sets and long rest periods(at least 1 minute and 30 seconds to 5 minutes) for strength and exercises focusing on 6 to 12 reps and 3 sets with 45 second rest in between. Little time should be spent with cardiovascular exercises such as running because the calories need to be conserved. So here is.....
The Workout
Tada! We're here assuming you didn't read the above and just skipped to the workout section of this blog post I will express a warning of caution. Some of these exercises are dangerous and should be extensively researched and carefully executed to not cause injury. To be more specific the deadlift and the squat are the two exercises you should be paying special attention to. If you can a spotter will add more confidence to your lifting and allow you such psychological benefits so that you'll be able to lift more.
The workout will be of a routine of 3 days with at least one day in between each in a week.
Day 1 - Strength
Squat - 3 to 5 reps of 5 to 7 sets
Barbell (or Dumbbell) Row - 3 to 5 reps of 5 to 7 sets
Bench Press - 3 to 5 reps of 5 to 7 sets
Cuban Press - 3 to 5 reps of 5 to 7 sets
Deadlift - 3 to 5 reps of 5 to 7 sets
Day 2 - Cardio
Running, Cycling, or Swimming - 5 to 10 minutes
Day 3 - Hypertrophy
L-Sit Pull ups(or pull ups) - 8 to 12 reps of 2 to 3 sets, 45 to 60 second rest
One arm bench press - 8 to 12 reps of 2 to 3 sets, 45 to 60 second rest
One leg dumbbell squat with foot elevated - 8 to 12 reps of 2 to 3 sets, 45 to 60 second rest
Remember without the proper nutritional regimen as an ectomorph there is no chance of you gaining muscle. With dedication and consistency you should see results in as little as 2 weeks. Now go out there is be awesome!
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